Finding My Fire

“What Do You Want To Do?” That is a question that I have struggled with in recent years. I always thought “I may not know now, but I will know when I am grown.” Well, here I am 25 and still not sure what I want to be or do. I feel its time to know or have some sense of direction, yet here I am still as clueless as I was when I graduated college.

I envy those of my friends that have found their passion and calling in life so early. Many of my friends graduated college and went straight into their careers. I was fortunate to go into a career after graduation with Target Corporation but quickly learned that the retail industry was not for me. I have held several jobs since then that I also learned were not for me. So I guess you can say one positive is that I know what I don’t want to do. But since then, I have been searching for what sets my heart on fire without success.

I know people who hate what they do but make great money. And others who make little to no money but absolutely love what they do. People have told me that its just not possible to enjoy what you do, but I just cannot accept that. My dad settled for a career that made great money but was extremely unfulfilling. I saw first hand the impact of that choice both in his personal and professional life. It lead to many difficulties and much unhappiness and discontentment. No, I am not blaming everything he went through on his career choices but I do think it was one contributing factor.

The idea that you are suppose to spend 40-60 hours a week doing something that does not excite, fulfill or satisfy you is terrifying! I have been there and done that but had to step down because not only did I dread work every single day, it was beginning to negatively impact the most important parts of my life.  I don’t need to make a million a year (although that would be amazing), I just want to make enough to help provide my family with a comfortable life. As far as career field, I truly have no idea. I had an interview last week and when asked what my dream job was, my mind went blanker than blank. I just sat there speechless and when I did finally start taking, I literally just strung together random words to fill up space but didn’t answer the question.

That question and my inability to answer it has stuck with me. Even if I am not at my dream job now, I at least what to have a dream to work towards. I also know that your calling or dream can change throughout life. I am not expecting to have the same dream now as I will in 40 years. I just want to feel some sense of direction for my career. I have been digging deep within myself trying to uncover or discover my professional dream but keep coming up empty handed and anxious. So I have decided to trust God for a dream and direction. I realized that I have not specifically prayed and asked for guidance on this in a long time but how much I need to. Even though I don’t have any answers yet, for the first time in a long time, I am encouraged and excited about what I will discover and God reveal. This may be a controversial idea or topic. Maybe we all are not made to love what we do. I don’t know. I can only speak for myself but I know for me, I need to find what sets my heart on fire and chase it everyday. I need that passion, peace and pursuit.

91 thoughts on “Finding My Fire

  1. Holly

    Everybody follows a different path, it’s OK that you don’t know what you want quite yet. I am 26 and just now going through with college to earn my Nursing degree. I 100% believe you should find a job/career that feuls your heart, and not you bank account. I hope you find your dream job soon!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much for reaching out to me and sharing your experience! I really appreciate the encouragement as it is much needed!!! That is so wonderful that you started college. Best of luck to you in your endeavors and I feel optimistic that I will find my calling soon.

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  2. You are right where God wants you ! Focus on seeking Jesus and He will add everything else ! Remove and rebuke envy trust God’s amazing plan for your life ! Jeremiah 29:11 you will laugh hard later at what will soon unfold ! 26 is going to be amazing based on how you feel I felt the same way about not being where i wanted to be at 25 and God turned it all the way around ! Fully surrender ! It’s worth it !

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much for the encouragement as well as the scripture. Several people have said that you are not meant to have a passion for your career but when I read that scripture, I just can not agree with them. God most definitely has a plan and purpose for me. He has me right where I need to be and I am here for a reason. I will continue to pull close to God and stand on His word. I am going to trust the process and let God guide me. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your words and advice.

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      1. From my life experience I think you should decide what it is the you actually love to do and pursue that. When we do what we love we are successful. Success is not measured in dollars.

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  3. There are a lot of people that don’t have one true calling. It’s ok you haven’t found your thing, but keep trying things out and one thing will click for sure. Also, what you do for work doesn’t define you, it’s what you do to earn a living and bonus if you happen to love your job. Thoughts?

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  4. I agree. The idea is to make money to live, so when all the expenses are done you should be able to still enjoy life. It’s only a bonus if you love your job as you said a number of people do
    And a number of people don’t. It’s also you’re perspective on the work your doing that will decide how you feel about. Anyways keep applying try something totally out of your comfort zone who knows you could surprise yourself

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  5. your introspection about your career and future prospects is needful right now, because everything happens for a reason…the mistake you don’t want to make that many do is in the words of your blog post, and, as you said most of them ‘hate what they do, though the money is good…I like the tack you are taking, that is, you bring everything before your Father in Heaven, and start by literally reciting the Our Father prayer right from the Bible; because it is not religious exercise you are interested in, it is ‘what is God’s will for my life’ and God never holds back on wisdom for the pure in heart…and getting specific helps because you have an advocate on the Father’s right hand…keep doing well beautiful life!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for the support and encouragement. I am very grateful for it. I have been very surprised by those who say work or your career is not meant to be enjoyed or passionate about. But I know God has created and called each and every one of us to a specific calling and has a purpose for our lives. I am extremely excited to walk this journey with God and discover my purpose for this season of life. Thank you again for your words.

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  6. I feel you! I’ve had trouble finding a job in the past year, and when someone asked what I thought my dream job was I couldn’t really answer. Not letting your job define you is difficult to do, esp when lots of people let it define them. Ultimately I’ve decided to stop letting it stress me out, do things I love and that make me happy (like blogging!) and let God’s will take control. You do you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reaching out to me and relating! It feels so wonderful to know that I am not the only one stumped by that question. That is so helpful to hear what you did that helped you. I definitely have come to realize that it was stressing me out too! I was trying to control something that God should have always been in control of. Giving Him back control was a bit scary but so worth it. I am excited to see where He leads me and in the mean time plan on finding things that I enjoy doing too. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and for the encouragement!!!


  7. hopedutton

    I was one of the lucky one – I found my calling and career early on. Your will come to you. Maybe it should involve writing since that seems to be something you enjoy? Just a thought… #GoInLove ❤️⚓️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thats very true! I definitely do love writing, sharing my experiences and connecting with others. It is not something that I had considered for a career yet but I definitely will look into that option more. Thank you for the suggestion!!!

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  8. Hi there ! 💙 so nice to meet you and come across your blog! I just know it time you will find your passion, and I believe soon enough . Because I too feel like you however every day I really am doing what I love, wether it is seen as a career or not or if I’ll ever make it into a career. Basically what I’m trying to say is, there are things we have a passion for and we are doing it right now, wether it through our relationships and interactions with people. It may be lying right there! Just be I the moment, do whatever it is you love and God will make it so you can use your gift for the world, and in that you will feel complete 🌎 Xx

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    1. Thank you so much for reaching out to me!!! I really appreciate your advice and perspective. I love how you said you do what you love. I definitely agree that sometimes what you love may not always be in the form of a career. Thank you for reminding me that it is important just to find and do things that make me happy in all areas in life. Living in the moment does not come naturally to me so its something that I have to be very intentional about. Thank you again for your words of encouragement and insight!!!

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  9. One suggestion is to find meaning in the work you want to do. Something to improve people’s lives, or contribute to the community and society. It will bea work you enjoy.

    Though money is important satsfaction is equally important if more important.

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    1. Hi! Thank you so much for reaching out and for the suggestion!!! I really appreciate it! I definitely is working towards discovering that meaning. Meaning and purpose is so important to me. Its something that I do not have in the work I am doing now. Hopefully soon I will discover the meaning and better be able to pursue it.


  10. mindfulnessminimalist

    Many people have decided not to do the traditional 9-5 40hr work week. Exploring who you are as whole and finding your passion or what you love to do is a great way to start. You seem to love writing, and working on fitness. Maybe you could write a book or be a fitness instructor, coach. Some people chose to be nomads, travel the world or live in vehicles and travel the US or the Country they are from. Some have successful YouTube channels to help pay for their lifestyle. The possibilities are endless! 😀 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi! Thank you so much for reaching out to me and for the ideas!!! I really do love to write and share my experiences. I will have to look more into opportunity. And I really do love fitness. Definitely a lot to consider and explore more. Thank you for the encouragement and advice!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you for sharing this! I have always found it important to follow your heart because the heart knows what it wants! I also wanted to thank you for liking my post “Destiny, real or an illusion.” It means a lot to me that you took the time to read it and like it. I really hope you will like more of my future posts. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts! Take Care!!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You are very welcome! It is best to always follow your heart, it typically leads you in the right direction! I am so glad to hear you enjoyed my writing! I hope you are having a good weekend!!


  12. I know what you mean, dear. I’m 30, and I want to write, but I also sing and play rock and I’m spiritual, so it makes it hard to really find a good niche. I’m also a book lover, but sometimes money talks, but in the long run, learn to love you and learn to love what you do when you find it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reaching out to me and sharing your experience. It was very encouraging to me to know I am not alone in this journey. I really appreciate the advice as well. I definitely will continue to love myself and enjoy this journey.


  13. mythoughtsralive

    I think it’s great that you are putting your future in God’s hand. Personally, I have been struggling with that myself. To just entrust everything to Him.

    I sincerely hope you will find your purpose that God has called you for.

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    1. It is such a difficult thing to do. Something I definitely struggle with at times but have learned that it is always worth it to trust him with all areas of my life. He has wonderful plans for us both. We just have to keep trusting Him and knowing His timing is perfect, plans are always good.

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  14. Ughh, I feel your pain… I remember being 25 and asking myself all those questions.. The silly thing about that is that it is ok for you not to know. It feels wrong, it feels as if you are lost.. but I can tell you is that you will figure this out along the way..Try not to force yourself it just puts unneeded pressure on yourself. I wish you the best of luck in your ventures w.e they may be. 🙂 Good Luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reaching out and being able to relate!! I really appreciate the reassurance. I definitely do feel a bit lost and it feels very strange. I do tend to put pressure on myself to have it all figured out but I am realizing more and more that Its okay to be exactly where I am. I am excited to hopefully find some direction soon but until, I am working on enjoying being here now.


  15. Awe I am just about to hit 42 and am only getting to do lately what iv always dreamed about. God will give you a dream, a vision and a passion which will stir so deep. You’re on the right path because you’ve asked God to show you!! That’s the start of excitement and tears lol but hang in there…He who began a good work in you will continue to do so. Be prepared for changes within you and your entire life but they’re always worth it!! You’re in my prayers and I look forward to reading a blog on your new chapter 😀 xo

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    1. Thank you so much for reaching out to me and sharing that. It is so encouraging hear that you have found your passion and are getting to do it!!! Thank you for the reassurance and encouragement. They are both so needed! I absolutely love that scripture and its one that I have really been standing on and trusting god with. Thank you for the prayers and support. I really appreciate it all!!! I am very excited to see what god will reveal and what I will discover.


  16. You sound a lot like me and I am 40! I have finally figured out my strengths and the type of work I like, but what I do for a paycheck is not what I “love”. I too have felt envious at others who have seemed to find there niche rather quickly. I look forward to seeing where your faith takes you on this journey.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, thats so wonderful that you have found a great career. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me. I am feeling more optimistic and hopeful than ever before. Very excited to see what I will discover. I will be sure to write about it!

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  17. Finding your “why” is an important part of the human experience, but even as I say that I should also say that it does not follow that each person only has one “why” or purpose. Discovering your purpose (or purposes), growing from one purpose into another can and should be an exciting part of our journey through life. Elisabeth Elliott, missionary and author, once said “If you don’t know what you should do next, do the next thing.” She went on to explain that the “next thing” could be addressing the pile of unwashed clothes in your room, since you know for sure that these clothes should be washed! I have often thought that it would be wonderful if God shined a light way down the path so that I could see not only what is next, but what is after that for years to come. He seldom operates this way, causing us to trust him and commit our journey to him.

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    1. Thank you so much for your input and advice. I could not agree more that you can have more than one purpose. Thats a wonderful quote and one I will put into use during this time. I can definitely relate to wanting a clear path but have come to realize the same thing. Im working on enjoying the journey and unknown. I really appreciate your encouragement and words. Thank you!

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  18. Great article! I know almost everyone feels like this at some point, including myself. Even though the road may have many twists and turns and look foggy at times, just remember that you will always end up at the destination you are meant to 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reaching out and relating to this. Definitely helps knowing I am not the only one. I really appreciate the encouragement as well. It is much needed! I love that “you will always end up at the destination you are meant to” I believe that! But needed the reminder. Thank you again!

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  19. I always believe you are where you should be …But sometimes I believe we need to alter it as well if that makes sense ? Ok my daughter is 22 will be 23 and she loves what’s she’s doing being in florist but the job is not a money maker but she loves the people and yes what she does but as she states it’s not going to let move out anytime soon .. she does have her own place down in our furnish basement but she wants more needs more . I think she will get there but believe she needs to maybe go back to school .. look else where we all find our fire just don’t stop believing . Do not let go of your dreams but don’t let it make you unhappy while finding it … I hope this made sense and I didn’t confuse you. Lol ..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love that! You always have such words of wisdom. Thank you for sharing that experience. I definitely do believe that I am right where I need to be… as uncomfortable as it may be. I am working on enjoying the journey and not just rushing to the destination. I hate feeling lost or stagnant but I know I will not stay here forever. I know this is just a season and I can choose to be miserable, stressed or unhappy or I can embrace it, trust the process and learn all that I can while I am here. Its easier said then done, but I am trying to trust the process.

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      1. Oh my thank you so much for that .. I wish my kids think that I do 🙂 thank you. Yes it will get better one day at a time and you will reach your destination and learn on the way new experiences . Oh my son received one college acceptance letter so far … and he believes it offer the ROTC program so he could do college and Army so he’s exciting and I’m excited but you know a bit nervous as well anyways that’s for another time . Just wanted to let you know. Keep moving forward at your own pace . It will work out. 🙂

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      2. Haha that would make things too easy 🙃 I was wondering about him! Yay for getting into a school! Thats a huge moment and accomplishment. ROTC would be a wonderful opportunity. I know it would still be scary from your perspective but at least he would be state side for a few more years. And getting an education! I am glad he is considering it. Thanks for the update!!!

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  20. Steven Humphreys

    Sounds like you are supposed to be here with us seekers. At least you didn’t get stuck in a job you hated that didn’t pay anything. Good! You bailed in time! Seems like you write pretty darned good to me. Better keep on writing and writing and writing some more. I think you are on the right path in life already and both of you are headed toward your destiny as it will unfold before your footsteps.

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    1. Thank you for the kudos. It was not an easy decision but it definitely is not one that I regret. I really do love writing and sharing my experiences. Thank you for saying that. I never have considered myself a good writer so that really means a lot. I most definitely will keep writing, thats for sure. Sometimes the journey is the most fun. So I plan to enjoy the adventure of discovering my passions and going from there. Thank you again for your insight and advice!

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  21. “Do what your hand finds to do” with a heart that lifts that activity to the Lord as a calling for that moment. Sometimes it might seem to be stalled but remember that Jesus is a Good Shepherd. He guides his sheep. If you in a dead end time such as having to be a caretaker for a parent, having children who need you at home, whatever it is, do it as unto the Lord. Grow close to him; he promised to give you the desires of your heart. When he puts a desire there, he will also open a door for that fulfillment. “He who has begun a good work in you, will fulfill it…”

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    1. Thank you so much for your words! They truly encouraged me. It does feel like I am stalled but you are so right. God has a plan and reason for bringing me to this exact point. I am working on trusting Him and trusting the process. It can be so uncomfortable at times but I am learning the embrace it. I love that scripture, it was just the reminder and encouragement I needed. He has gotten me this far and will not leave me now. Thank you so much for your words!


  22. Yeah I know the feel like you need a change in your life, but not knowing what it is. Before I got into online business I did not know ether, only motivating about getting a regular job was the money I would get. I am so glad I finaly found out what I wanna do with my life. How I can make the money I need through doing something I find exiting and motivating. I wish you the best of luck in finding out what you wanna do! ^_^

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    1. Thats so wonderful you have found not only what you love but also provides enough for you to make a living from!! That is the dream! You have definitely encouraged and motived me to hang in there and keep searching because it is out there for me too.


  23. I love this mostly cos I’m on the same path too on my journey. I absolutely cannot entertain the idea of working for any reason other than passion. I’m yet to define my passion. I’m passionate about a couple things. I’m 25 and all that gives my family assurance is me working a 9 to 5 job…any job… no matter how miserable it makes me…that and getting

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    1. Right?! I truly do not understand how people work 40+ doing something that does not excite them. I am so glad that I am not alone in this. Keep pursuing discovering your fire. Don’t get discouraged or let people tell you that its not possible. Wishing you the best in your journey and I hope you find it soon! Thank you for reaching out to me!!!


      1. Thanks for posting that. I’ve been gathering momentum for a while now. Not a lot of people understand my view. I can understand cos of the current adverse economic situation in my country. Though I’m just of the view that if everyone courageously pursue innovative thinking and passion, we will not be in this current adverse situation.

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  24. I am also trying to find my fire. I went to school got degree and now in my 40’s do I really want to continue in that stress pass. So, for me I am taking it day by day, minute by minute just meditating to find me. I have always just been mom, but fact is once they are gone out the home what or who am I now. The beautiful journey of life how it turns, how things you once did or love has changed due to growth on your life. I do believe 40’s is really where you find yourself. Blessed journey my friend 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for reaching out and sharing your experience. Feels so good to know I am not alone in this. I will continue to be patient and enjoy the journey. I definitely can relate to sometimes needing to take things a day or minute at a time. Wishing you the best as you continue to discover your fire 🔥

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  25. Amen! You have done well. You have taken the first step by turning to God in prayer. May He answer and give you the dream and direction that will set your soul on fire. For me, it’s writing. I don’t make money at it, but I would die inside if I quit…which means I had to do other jobs for money to keep writing.

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    1. Thank you so much for the encouragement and well wishes in the journey. Both were much needed. That is so wonderful you have found your passion. Thank you for sharing that your passion is not the same as your career. That is very helpful for me to know. I will keep my eyes and heart open to that being an option as well ❤️

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  26. Great post, I’ve always felt exactly the same about work – I have never had a passion for one thing and envied those who found their calling straight away! I learnt to embrace it and just enjoy the different jobs I’ve had and if/when it’s time to move on, embrace that new challenge also!

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    1. Thank you for sharing your experience and being able to relate. It really helps me. I am defiantly learning to embrace the journey as well. I sometimes get so focused on the destination that I forget to take my time and enjoy every step. I appreciate the reminder and am looking forward to see what I will discover!

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  27. I salute you for having the courage to ask difficult questions of yourself. the fact that you are doing so and being honest in evaluating your life gives me confidence that you will find your path to happiness. Start with gratitude, pay attention, live your truth fearlessly, expect the best, and Go FOR IT!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for those words and encouragement. I am trying the best way I know how. It definitely is uncomfortable but I know it will be worth it when I finally do find it. Thats such wonderful advice and I definitely plan on following it. Thank you again!

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  28. Why had you chosen that college program over another? Is there another industry you can take that knowledge into? What have you always enjoyed doing as a child and interested in as a grownup? Take these answers to help you find your future… good luck!

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  29. Although you are in the process of finding what sets your heart on fire, I really enjoyed reading this because I can definitely relate. I just turned 27 and am in the same space you are in (or maybe I should say “were” because I realize this blog is 2 months old)
    However, I do love the process of finding happiness and fulfilment outside of sucess. I’m on a quest to find contentment exactly where I am now, while knowing, trusting, and believing God will reveal at the perfect time 😊

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    1. Thank you so much for reaching out to me and being able to relate. Oh trust me, I am still very much so on this journey. That is such a beautiful quest. I love “finding contentment”. I definitely am going to have to add that to my journey as well. Its so easy to want to rush the journey and jump to the destination but I’m learning to love and enjoy the process. Best of luck to you as you continue in your quest. Thank you so much for sharing ❤️

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